Thursday, July 3, 2014

Year Two: Some Drink Wine

Although, I anticipate some backlash, I’m going to say it. Being a stay at home mom is incredibly boring. Not all the time, but I would say, like 96% of the time. Don’t get me wrong; it’s great to be able to afford the luxury of being at home with K.  I know many moms who would jump at the chance to be in these practical, comfortable, mom-shoes. These are the most precious years right?!  Unfortunately, “precious” doesn’t translate into stimulating (or even intelligible) conversation, peaceful contemplation or even respectful interactions (cue K jabbing me in the eye with his index finger- followed by laughter…his of course.). If any mom begs to differ, the publishing of a “how-to manual” would be greatly appreciated because you, my friend, are some sort of supernatural being and are holding out on the rest of us poor suckers.

Being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) is a full-time job, despite what some people think, and a challenging (and crappily-paying) one at that. Now, I’m not going to go into detail about this fact or draw witty parallels between SAHMs and CEOs, but I could, and there have been many, much funnier, woman who have done this (you can Google them, if you’re having trouble drawing a comparison, or appreciating this fact). Instead, I’m going to talk about a couple different ways SAHMs tackle this whirlwind of an occupation.

But first, I should clarify; when I talk about SAHMs, I’m talking about staying at home, post maternity-leave. Maternity-leavers are often the biggest offender to the SAHM, as they have up to one magical year of baby-snuggles, stereotypical “firsts”, and of course all of the sleep-deprived wonderfulness that comes with the first year of a tiny human’s life. While, they can appreciate the boredom, and exhaustion that comes with being a full-time caregiver, they inevitably have that “light at the end of the tunnel” return to the workforce, which in fairness to them, they may be dreading. But nonetheless, this perspective often translates to the following phrase, “I would love to be at home with my baby, I miss him/her so much when I go to work” and “oh, man, I know how you feel, when I was at home it was _____ too!”, or something to that effect. These types of statements, not only make me want to roll my eyes, but they also make me feel really guilty. However, much of mummyhood is about managing mom-guilt, so allow me to manage away! Also, to the working mum, kudos, it must be tough, but I don’t have that perspective, so it will be up to one of you to write that post.  

There are many different types of SAHMs, and I know for a fact that while all must have boring moments during the day, some are better at keeping a baseline level of entertainment in their lives. I can’t possibly account for all types of SAHM, so I’ll just speak to three different types:

1. Etsy Mums- These moms are super crafty. They are your stereotypical SAHM taken to the next level. They not only excel at arts and crafts, but also have converted their talents into paying gigs. They make up 99% of Etsy stores, but you can also find them peddling their products at your local farmers markets, at Mum Groups and on Mum BST websites. These mums are good, I doubt they are as bored as the rest of us, one may say they are rocking (or painting, or sewing, or knitting…) this whole SAHM thing.
            My only complaint with the Etsy-Mum movement is that anytime “boredom” is brought up in conversation, it is inevitably suggested that I take up a hobby/craft. No offence to the Etsy mums, but this is not for me; I can’t foresee myself creating one-of-a-kind masterpieces on the daily (mine take 9 months of baking… haha).

2. Blogger Mums- To be a true Blogger mum, you have to be really committed. Like iron-man training committed. Unfortunately for the real blogging mamas, there are a lot of Blogger Mama Posers out there. We only have a few followers. We only post once ever 3 months (if that). The only people giving us feedback are our significant others (who, after being forced to read our posts, fearfully only give rave reviews) and our own mums (who secretly chuckle that we are being paid back for many years of their dealing with our pre-mum antics). Jokes on us though, because real bloggers morph all of those boring moments into entertaining ones by taking the opportunity to avidly gather content for future posts (that they diligently write) AND are paid for their cleverly crafted opinion pieces on motherhood.

3. Those who drink wine- While this is pretty self-explanatory, I will elaborate a bit. One can replace wine with any tasty beverage really; fancy coffees, infused water, we do not discriminate! This category is for us mums who haven’t found our SAHM calling yet. Those who need a few minutes of escape from the boring that could consume our very personhood. Those of us who have chosen this path of parenting, but second-guess our decision every third minute or so. The time it takes us to consume these delicious beverages is usually the amount of time needed to refresh and recharge our mum batteries. It also allows us to feel like a real grown up, if only for a brief moment (until the reality of the fact that that handsome barista is really just a precariously piled stack of dishes from last night- and the insightful conversation you are having is really going something like this “go get your train, trains say choo choo, yes mummy would love to hold your train, oh! You want it back?! Ok here you go…”). The only problem with this category is that the benefit of wine (beverage) drinking is short lived (and it's hard to find someone to pay you to indulge). Hahah

Now that we are back from vacation, all settled in our new city, and D has started residency, reality has set in. Adjusting to life as a SAHM has been a challenge for me. Staying at home with your child(ren) takes a level of creativity and ingenuity that I definitely did not expect. While this lifestyle has not come naturally to me, I am having fun trying to figure out where I fit on the SAHM spectrum. I know it’s only a matter of time before I figure something out, as the boredom of the daily grind has me chompin’ at the bit. But for now, I shall sit here sipping my Grande Caramel Machiatto sharing my poser-blogger thoughts with you all!

Until Next Time my Friends!


All Dressed Up for Daddy's Convocation

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