Saturday, July 18, 2015

Six Weeks

Hello Friends,

Six weeks. I wish I could say the time has flown right by, but with a colicky a baby (can you even call it colic if it's every.waking. minute?) you reeeally get to savour of those "precious" moments. So six weeks sounds about right.

That being said, air high-fives all around for making it to six weeks! The week where I (hopefully) get cleared by the OB to "work out" (wink, wink), and where we can try giving little Ms. Screamy-Pants a bottle (so D and others can get in on some baby-feeding action). Date night here we come!

So in honour of hitting the six week mark as a mum to two, I thought I'd share 6 things I've learned since bringing home our littlest one:

1. It is possible to feel more tired than the most tired you have ever been. 

I'm pretty sure infants undergo training for terrorist-style sleep-deprivation skills in-utero. I'm also pretty sure that two-year olds have an innate ability to communicate (and therefore conspire) with those infants practicing this cruel form of torture. Case and point, while G handles nighttime wakings, K has decided to forgo his afternoon naps... indefinitely. 

2. Crying that once either pulled at your heartstrings, or made your ears bleed will no longer phase you. 

In fact, it sometimes even seems musical. Add in the tiny two year old sing-song voice of "Go sleep, babee! (WAA WAAAAA) Go sleep. Go sleep babee! (WAA WAAAAA) Go sleep", and move over Uptown Funk, we have a new ride-along jam in the car en route to the grocery store. 

3. You will do so much laundry. 

It doesn't help, that Screamy McScreamy Pants also has an incredible knack for pooping out of almost every diaper we've tried. We've been averaging about four wardrobe changes a day for her and about two for me (I manage to get out of the line of fire about 50% of the time- but even K's been a casualty of her poop-antics). 

4. People will pick the most inopportune times to tell you to "Cherish these moments, they go by so fast..."

Why thank you old man in the grocery store. I will stop and cherish this beautiful moment where one kid is screaming so hard she's turning purple and the other is ripping a page out of the latest edition of US Weekly while simultaneously opening a bottle of baby shampoo and biting a chunk out of the red pepper I was planning to use for dinner. I won't forget to take special note of the the panicked looking 15 year old that's bagging my groceries as he throws the watermelon on top of my eggs. Oh? Your youngest just turned 25? Awesome. Precious. Effing. Moments.

5. Your days become a constant battle between Toddler mum and Infant mum. 

No buddy, I don't want to play blocks for the 70th time today. Your sister has just fallen into a deep enough sleep on my chest that she's letting me sit on the couch (and even put my feet up). "Play blocks Mumeee, play blocks...peeese" (sad face). Ok, ok. Bring your blocks over to the couch and I can watch you play (Infant Mum for the win). 
On the flip side, K gets pushed down by some big kids (4yr olds) at the park, no hesitation leaving G in her stroller by the park bench as I charge to his rescue and mama-bear the crap out of those little shitheads (Toddler Mum prevails). 

6. It becomes harder and harder to remember life before baby number two. 

Even though being a mum to two still feels so fresh (and sometimes scary), I've been having a hard time remembering what being a mum to one was like (with any memories of my pre-mum self being fuzzy and fleeting at best). It feels like baby girl has always been around and it's so strange to think that less than a year ago she was just a couple of cells floating around separately in my and D's bodies. Wild! It's also a strange feeling to think that K will not likely remember a time when G wasn't around. It makes me happy that they will (hopefully) be super close, but a little sad that all of the fun times we shared as a family of three will only be remembered through pictures and stories we tell him. Sigh. However, if these first 6 weeks are any indication of what life as a family of 4 will be, the adventures that await us will more than make up for the blurring of 2 years worth of memories. 

So there you have it. I have been a mum to two for almost six weeks now and while I still feel completely overwhelmed 99% of the time, 1% of the time I feel like I'm nailin' it. 

Until next time my friends,

#winning #mummyhood