Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Marry a Doctor

Hello Friends,

The idea for this blog post presented itself during a recent conversation with a single girlfriend of mine (who shall remain nameless, you know who you are). The conversation when something like this...

FRIEND: Ah, I'm so sick of dating. Why are all single guys such [weiners]? It's like all the good ones are taken.
ME: Haha. There's no way that can be true. I know a couple of single guys who aren't [weiners]. They're really nice guys.
FRIEND: Ooooh, are they doctors? I want a doctor.
ME: Haha. No, but they are really sweet.
FRIEND: I don't want "sweet", I want a tall, dark and handsome doctor; preferrably funny with no baggage! Oh, and he has to be good with kids.
ME: Haha. That's a pretty tall order, I don't think I can help you with that.
FRIEND: What?! Why not? You found one. How did you do it?
ME: I didn't find anyone that meets that description.
FRIEND: Oh come on. D fits that description perfectly.
ME: Haha. Maybe... but he definitely didn't when I met him.
FRIEND: Ugh, you're the worst.

Maybe I am "the worst", but I'm telling the truth. I have absolutely no idea how to find, date or marry a doctor.

The first time I met D, he had just casually strolled in late to our first Grassland 3 Residence meeting, he apparently had to get his beer fridge stocked and that obviously took priority over the mandatory meeting. The second time I met him, he was running through the hallway with a beer pitcher full of vodka and fruit juice (blatent rule break... plus vodka and fruit punch? nasty). The third time I saw D, well I didn't really see him, but I heard him, out on his balcony (3 floors up) at 2am, obnoxiously yelling the infamous lil' John/Usher "YEE-YAH...OK!" (click here for a lil' stroll down memory lane). Let's just say, D, circa 2006, was about as much a Dr., as I was Swedish royalty. In fact, for our first semester of undergrad, I had no idea what his major was and it didn't seem important as I didn't figure he'd be around after Christmas break. When he returned in January, I was pleasantly surprised (as his antics were pretty entertaining). We started hanging out more thanks to a mutual friend and our joint enjoyment of basketball, and by February we were "official". It was at that point, that I realized that this crazy, sometimes obnoxious, always entertaining party-boy, was actually a very studious, intelligent, talented, and organized guy (still faaaaaaar from a doctor though).

Over the next 5 years, we grew up together. We supported each other through tough times, we encouraged each other's goals, we fought like cats and dogs, but most of all we just had fun together.

When we were married in 2011, I didn't marry a doctor. I married D. I married that crazy, party-boy I had fallen in love with. I married that guy who isn't particularly funny, but can always make me laugh (seriously though, what's your fastination with tree jokes?). I married a guy with baggage, some (read: most) of it mine, but we carry it together. We obviously didn't have kids, so I had no idea if he would be "good" with them. But to be honest, it didn't matter, he didn't have to be "good" with kids, he just needed to love them and I was confident that he would be able to do that (I was right).

The fact that D is now a doctor is amazing (no, but seriously, if you only knew D circa 2006, your mind would be blown right now). I am so incredibly proud of him, but I'd like to think that he didn't do it alone, and that my support and encouragement has helped him (at least a little bit) to get to this point.

So while, yes, I am married to a doctor, I didn't marry one and I certainly have never dated one. I didn't go looking for a doctor all those years ago in 2006. If I would have, I definitely would not have found D because that's not who he was then. D is D now because of what we are together.

So, FRIEND, if you're willing to take advice from "the worst", here's my two cents on finding "Mr. Right", throw away that list. Find someone you like to spend time with and start making memories. Or if you prefer metaphors "Don't judge a book by it's cover", instead, open it up, give it a read, turn to the blank pages at the end, and start writing.

Until next time my friends,

D circa 2014
D Circa 2006

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