Friday, July 4, 2014

A Baby Well-Travelled!

Our tiny little family has been on the go since K’s arrival just over a year ago. With a med student (now resident) for a daddy we have had a lot of practice living out of suitcases. In fact, the past year featured over three months of us living places other than home! And while this may have been a nightmare for routine development (that we continue to pay for), K has become pro at sleeping just about anywhere (so long as he has his trusty pack and play and snuggly blanket). So when planning what to do for D’s final break before residency, we decided to give a jet setting, ferry-boating, rocky-mountain driving adventure a try (and boy was it an adventure)! While this trip, by no means, makes us an authority on travelling with a toddler, I’d like to think that our making it home with everyone in one piece grants us access to the super cool exclusive Have Baby Will Travel Club! As one of the newest members of this is super exclusive club (be jealous), I would like to share with you a few things learned while obtaining this elite membership.

Flying with a toddler:

1. Pray for at least one vacant seat on the plane. The person lucky enough to be the third in your row will take it from there (i.e. spy it and ask to be moved- in our case this took approx .6s). 
Baby Avioner
2. Flight attendants like flirty toddlers. Flirting early on in the flight allows for a blind-eye to be turned/or funny-face making assistance when dealing with the inevitable toddler crankiness later in the flight. It also gains your whole entourage extra cookies at snack time, score! (And yes, I called “in-flight refreshments” snack time… haha).  
3. Pack more wipes than you think you will need (then add a few more). You never know when you will have to manage a 9/10 poop-tastrophe mid flight that will leave you wipeless (and fearful of the wrath of every bite of food consumed by your tiny human for the remaining 3hrs of flight).
4. Don’t spend any extra energy worrying about the other passengers on the plane. You will need every ounce of it to come up with new entertaining activities that can be done with the limited number of resources at your disposal (toys/Tupperware/napkins/plastic cups/TV buttons). It is surprisingly draining to come up with activities that can be done in 1ft by 0ft radius. Besides everyone loves to tell their epic story about that nightmare plane ride they had with that 1 year old, you don’t want to deprive anyone of that experience, nor do you want to be the reason Mr. Big Shot Financial can’t one-up his buddy at the bar.

Ferrying with a toddler:

1. Find the children’s play area, and then take solace in knowing that, like at any playground, your child will not be the worst behaved. Also, take a few moments to bask in the adorableness of your toddler interacting with other kids. K has a real thing for “older” women, he had a 6 year old wrapped around his little finger- and scored some exclusive toy truck playtime out of it!
Chillin' on the smoker's deck
2. If you find yourself with a sweet view and minimal wind while out on deck- you’re probably in the smoking section (in this case, it’s best to take the baby back inside D).
3. Wait until the final “call for passengers to return to vehicles”. We still had plenty of time to get back, and it beat having K all strapped in his seat with nowhere to go (since lets just say K’s “singing” leaves a little (earmuffs) to be desired)!

Roadtripping with a toddler:

All smiles in the car
1. Just do it! The good thing about toddlers is that they all seem to have vehicle-induced narcolepsy.
2. Having a toddler along for the ride also kept us on top of stretching and meal breaks. This kept us feeling good!
3. Find a hotel chain you like, and stick with it! Also, when selecting a hotel, look at the floor plan to ensure there is a playpen-sized alcove (unless you want to “hit the hay” at the same time as your 15month old). Entranceways double surprisingly well as a baby’s room. For us this was the Holiday Inn Express (bonus: includes a free full breakfast every morning). Our only regret is not joining the loyalty program as we stayed there four different times (dang).

Kelowna at Sunset
Overall we flew a total of 6056 km and drove approx 1570 km with our little man in tow. We had a great time and would highly recommend a trip to through the Rockies to anyone looking for breathtaking vistas and family fun adventure (note: it could definitely be done much less G-rated for all you single and/or childless and/or too cool for PG-school people- you know who you are). We will remember this trip forever, in fact, when we are old and grey and living with dementia, there is a good chance that this trip is where I will believe myself to be (and I wholly look forward to that).

Until next time my friends,

Lake Louise
Beach in Victoria
Beach in Kelowna
Spiral Tunnel
Meeting Auntie A's Horse V

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have a pro traveller already - which is great. I think teaching kids to sleep anywhere is a skill that serves everyone well! I did sports growing up and got very good at sleeping on busses, planes, in airports, sitting down, through noise - you name it. My husband wakes up to anything. Me? Unless it's my kid screaming (there's something about that as a mother), I'm out.

    And in small world things - we've also flown both our kids out to Kelowna (last year for a wedding). Our youngest was about a month old and our eldest was 3. It went well. Key to flying with kids is prep and distractions!
