Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Extended Breastfeeding is for "Hippie, Dippie Weirdos".. and Me!

Hello friends,

If you would have asked me a year ago if I would still be breastfeeding K on July 8, 2014, I would have laughed in your face (as I awkwardly attempted to unlatch K from my battered, beaten and bruised nipple while trying desperately to hold down the free flapping nursing cover with my inner elbow). In fact, I wrote a very candid post on my challenges with breastfeeding almost exactly one year ago (you can find that here). It's funny how a year of mummyhood can, so drastically, change your perspective.

Until today, I hadn't really thought much about what breastfeeding at 16 months meant. According to Google and (La Leche League- for those of you looking for a more "reputable" source), breastfeeding past 1 year of age, gains you access into the "Extended Breastfeeding" club. Since we are a solid 4 months beyond the criteria of 1 year, I guess our feet are firmly planted in that camp.

Before having K (and even when he was a little newbie), I never imagined belonging to such a club. Admittingly, I thought extended breastfeeding was for hippie, dippie, weirdos and their gender-neutral, organic and vegan-fed, unvaccinated, homeschooled offspring; Sky, Meadow and River-Rock. It wasn't until just recently that I realized how fast (too fast) we reached and surpassed that "normal" one year cutoff.

Cue me sitting here, frantically assessing my life choices... could it be? Am I a hippie, dippie weirdo? We try to buy local, and we choose organic when we can. We recycle, we compost, we have some potted plants on our balcony (that we've, shockingly, kept alive for more than a week). We ride bikes, not only for fun, but (gasp) for transportation. We frequent our local farmer's market, we've discussed renting a plot in our community garden...we wear lots of sunscreen and hats (of all shapes and sizes)... we have library cards (and actually take out books)... and I'm breastfeeding my 16 month old! Oh. my. god. It's true!

But then I remember, we shop at Walmart (a lot), we just went on a week long road trip in a gas guzzling GMC Acadia (great ride by the way), we like to treat ourselves with McDonalds and our favourite family restaurant is Montana's (a tasty, meaty cookhouse). K is up-to-date on all of his vaccines (flu-shot included) and there's no way I would consider homeschooling (this mum will deserve a break after 5 years of full-time mummyhood). Phew. Safe, for now. That was a close call.

But in all seriousness. We are still happily breastfeeding over here, and I don't think that it's weird at all. Past me would shutter to think of myself breastfeeding a walking, (somewhat) talking toddler, breastfeeding is for babies only, you're keeping that toddler in a perpetual state of babyhood-you weirdo. But present me sees the happy, well adjusted, independent little guy who still wants a couple minutes a day to cuddle with mummy while we do our thing.

As a mum, I'm quickly realizing that "societal norms" are more arbitrary than pre-mum me believed them to be. From my perspective, extended breastfeeding does not equal radical, hippie extremeist. And I think it's safe to assume that most people who know me, wouldn't conjure up my face when asked to think of one. I think it's important for all parents (new and seasoned) to remember that these "norms" don't always lend themselves to the style of parenting you've embraced and that's ok. You do what feels right to you, and I'll do what feels right to me and we will agree to talk about... last night's episode of MasterChef, what Princess Kate wore to Wimbledon or whatever it is he's eating over there.. it looks delicious!

Until next time!


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