Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27th

Hello Friends!

Christmas 2013
Wow, it's been a while. I'm sorry for the long absence but life has been happening (and with a vengence)! I couldn't possibly fill you guys in on every little detail, but to sum up the past 3 months in a nutshell; Baby's First Christmas was a whirlwind, K was spoiled rotten and loved every second of it! New Years was an impromptu Guelph reunion, K only made it to 10pm (but you can bet he was up for a midnight snack shortly after 1, so he saw a pretty new 2014). January and February boasted a fun little cross-province roadtrip for D's residency interviews; with stops in London, Hamilton, Kingston, Ottawa and ending back home in Toronto. Then there was Valentines Day, K's First Winter Olympics, 1st Birthday Planning and our first Family Day. Somewhere in there, K started crawling, babbling ("mama, dada, bwoa bowa (water), up, and done") and ordered off a restaurant kids menu for the first time! I am still finding it hard to believe our little man is going to be One Year old in two weeks (time really does fly)! So that brings us to today, February 27th 2014, a milestone for mummy- my 27th birthday!

Happy New Years!
Those of you who know me, know that my birthday has been a very important day for me! The countdown to my big day, usually began sometime around August 27th (my half birthday-yes, it's a thing) and really amped up in January when the month-long countdown commenced. I think my overzealousness for my birthday was a result of growing up as the third of four girls in a 6 person household. I was paranoid of being lost in the shuffle of our whirlwind of home (and the blustering and blowing of February!). Over the years, it became the running joke, but I think deep down, everyone loved my enthusiam for my big day (especially when I moved away to school and discovered how awesome (and creepy) text-to-landline can be)! But this year was different...

August 27th came and went with my almost completely forgetting the significance. Likewise, there was no month-long countdown to today. In fact, yesterday I hadn't realized, until I was reminded by a couple of friends, that it was my Birthday Eve (yes, I made this a thing). So this morning when I woke up to my stretching, smiling little man, I completely forgot that today was any different then yesterday or the day before that. It still felt just as special as a birthday morning (possibly more special than any of my previous birthdays), but not because it was my birthday. It was because I woke up to a smiling, perfect, amazing little man, who looks at me like I'm the only person in the whole world (although, in his (future teenager) defence, I was the only other person in the room to look at).

CaRMs Tour 2014
So, today was a major milestone for me, not because I'm 27 on the 27th (which I think is something?!) but because I'm a mummy and I've officially put another human being's being before my own and am so incredibly excited about it! Although today has historically been my day for me, all I can think about is how K turns 1 in 16 days. Although I'm not really sure how I feel about the fact that he will no longer be a baby, but a toddler (happiness, pride, fear, anticipation, excitement), I've been enthusiastically planning his birthday party and am already looking forward to the many birthday parties I will get to plan in the future.

So, there you have it, another major mummy milestone reached, "the realization that you are no longer the most important person in your life- and never will be again." 
Go Canada Go!

There are also a few more notable days coming up in the next week, that I'm excited to share with you all, as I'm sure they will inspire many many more blog posts. Tomorrow will be the last day of my unofficial "maternity leave" as my eligibilty to register condition-free with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario expires, this will make Saturday my first offical day as a "stay-at-home-mom". I'm full of mixed emotions about this, but feel so incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to be with my little guy every day of his magical little life. Next up, is next Wednesday March 5th, when D will receive his residency placement match and we will find out where our next 2 years of adventures will be made! March is going to be an exciting month! SStay tuned for all the fun and festive details!

Until next time!


Mum and Baby Selfie!

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