Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, New Leaf.

Hello Friends,

Well the holidays flew right by for our little family, as I'm sure they did for many of you! After a whirlwind of turkey and presents and family and friends and santa and snowmen and skating and christmas baking, I find myself plopped comfortably on the couch listening to K naptime negotiate another story with D. I must say, a whole new level of toddler has emerged out of this year's Christmas season. A negotiating, back-talking, smug, certain, self-confident, independent little man has replaced the cheeky, soft spoken, dependent little 1 1/2 year old who lived with us in the beginning of 

But, to be honest, I'm surprisingly okay with this. In fact, I'm excited! K is really becoming his own little person. A little person who is able to articulate his likes and dislikes, take control of his playtime and most importantly tell us how important we are to him (especially at 7am when I'm trying to squeeze in another 1/2hr of much needed "beauty rest") "mum up mum come!". It is in these moments that I'm reminded that there is nothing more "motivating" than a toddler with an agenda. 

K does not take "no" for an answer, and as much as I may regret saying this in the minutes and months and years to come, I wouldn't want it any other way! K has a perspective, and even though it sometimes differs from mine (and any other sane human being on the planet), it is his and that deserves respect. 

That being said, I must also add that it is a powerful moment when, as a parent, you realize the respect you have for your child. Not basic human respect (obviously that has always been there), but respect for his thinking, for his ideas, for his goals, for his individuality. Over the last couple weeks it has dawned on me that our tiny human, has thoughts and feelings that are seperate from ours and it has filled me with pride to see them emerge.

Now, I'm not saying that we don't have rules and we don't enforce our "no" answers, we most definitely do. It's just that we also try to acknowledge his protest and validate our little man's perspective with compromise. However, if all else fails, which it often does, we're not above throwing in a bit [read: a lot] of distraction and parental manipulation. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I mean, there's only so many stories you can read at naptime, before it becomes bedtime!

Needless to say, K has grown and changed a whole lot throughout 2014 and I must say, that I too, feel like I've done a lot of growing and changing as a mum. While I still sometimes feel like I'm completely winging this mummyhood thing, I'm happy to report that most of the time I feel like I've got it together. 

So what does one do when they feel like they've got it all together? 

Change it up of course! 

By adding a new leaf, to the good ole' family tree.

Happy New Years everyone, I know 2015 will be one exciting year for us!

Until next year friends, 


P.S I can't wait to hear K's explanation of how new leaves grow in the winter. 
Baby R- Coming June 2015

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