Monday, December 15, 2014

What does 21 Months (Almost Two) Look Like?

Hello Friends,

Today I realized that my baby turned 21 months old. Twenty-one months? How did that happen?! After the inital shock of having an almost 2 year old wore off, I also realized, that I should probably stop giving his age in months. It's confusing. So from now on, "K will be two in March".

So what does having a 21 month old... uh I mean an "almost two year old", look like?

Well that, my friends, depends on a whole whack of factors.

1. What time of the day is it? 

If it is immediately preceding a meal, it might look like this...
Unless that meal is going to be McDonalds ("Don's) or pizza, then it likely looks like this...
If it is immediately following a meal, it may look like this...
Unless you mentioned naptime, then it's probably like this...
2. Who's around?

If it's just me and K, it could look like this...
Or this...
Or this...
If his papa is in the house, it most likely looks like this...
If Daddy's here it usually looks something like this...
Or this...
3. What is he doing?

Something he's not usually supposed/allowed to do (like standing on a chair), then it looks like this...
Something I would like him to do...
Something he wants me to let him do...

4. How important is it that I capture the moment?

Not very important, it tends to look like this...
Or this...
More important (we could use it for the Christmas cards...), tends to look more like this...
Ah, maybe next year!

So as you can see, having an almost two year old can look like a bunch of different things. As a stay at home mum, I get the "pleasure" of seeing almost all of these (often multiple times a day). While some of his looks make me want to scream and rip my hair out, I also get to exclusive access to the ones that would make any heart melt so quickly that all those other ones just disappear from memory. Needless to say, I am loving being at home with my almost two year old (and his quirkly little personality). 

Until next time my friends, 


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