Monday, September 15, 2014

A Marriage of Firsts

Hi Friends,

Today is K's 18 month birthday. It's hard to believe that I've had an entire year and a half to hug and kiss and s(mother) him!

On Saturday, K, D and I were delighted to participate in the wedding of two of our closest friends. At just 18 months, K made his wedding party debut and, despite the chilly weather, marched that wedding aisle like a pro. Those 20ft of footsteps filled me with a mummy-pride that I can't even describe! Now I know why my mum always cheered and cried and clapped and celebrated so loudly at seemingly unimpressive milestones. As a mum, every "first" feels like an Olympic gold medal performance. While sometimes I feel that K hasn't changed one bit since we brought him home from the hospital, moments like this...
Walking down the aisle like a big boy!

make me realize that our teeny tiny little guy is, in fact, growing into such the little man.

As exciting as the afternoon was, with D as the MC (master of ceremonies, or "master corporal" as he preferred to be called) and myself a bridesmaid, Saturday also brought about another important first for our family, K's first sleepover sans parents!

With K at his Nana and Poppa's house and D and I on the dance floor, it's a toss up for who had the better Saturday evening. However, based on the number of adult beverages and late night tacos consumed on our end, I think it's safe to say that K probably had the better Sunday morning.

Good times with Great Friends (photo cred. J Fob)
With sleepover #1 in the books, I can't wait to get back into a date night routine with D. As parents to a toddler it has been too easy to let our alone-time fall by the wayside. However, watching the bride and groom's first dance on Saturday reminded me that it's important to have moments like that, moments when you're so captivated by your partner that everyone else in the room disappears. However, a disappearing audience is generally not advisable (nor possible) when your audience is 18 months old, which is why we will be prioritizing arrangements for some toddler-free time. 

It may have taken us a year and a half to get there, but D and I are finally ready to loosen up the parent reigns a little, tiny bit. I know some of my mum friends are probably shaking their heads right now thinking, my goodness how could you have gone so long without a night alone? But I would imagine that for every one of those mums, there's another one thinking, my goodness I can't even imagine leaving my little one overnight yet. So like all things mummy, I've done what feels right for me and D and K, and I would advise everyone else to do the same!

Until next time my friends,


The best part of sleepovers without Mummy...
next day hugs! (photo cred. J Fob)

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