Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mummy Groups and Stroller Gangs


Awaiting the rest of the "Wolf Pack"
Wow three days in a row, I think I need to slow down or I may run out of material! (On second thought...I have a lot of catching up to do!) Today I think I will discuss one of my favourite perks of being a big city mummy... Mummy groups and Stroller gangs. 

We've all seen them, rollin' down the sidewalk 3 wide, sporting their ever-so-comfy yoga pants, clutching a timmies (or starbucks) in one hand, designer diaper bag draped over the opposite shoulder, lookin' so fly that everyone they pass experiences an intense urge to pop out a baby and join in the parade. Well lucky for me, there I was with my brand-new baby boy (and fancy diaper bag) in tow ready to be welcomed into one of these exclusive mums- (and sometimes dads) only clubs. There was only one problem, where does one find a sign-up list, for a seemingly "invite-only" gathering? Throughout my 9 or so months of pregnancy, I researched everything baby, but failed to investigate these elusive groups. About 2 months into mummyhood, I decided to "give it a google", but despite my extensive research abilities, I came up empty (thanks for nothin U of T). It was time for Plan B, I decided I would frequent local spots where I've seen a group gather in hopes of being noticed (and subsequently invited in). Not a rock solid plan, but worth a shot. So there I was, chillin' at SPOT when it happened. The strollers started rollin' in.. one, two, three... as many as 15 or so! I sat up tall, and put on my most inviting mummy-smile. I received a couple smiles back, but unfortunately no invites. In hindsight, I probably could've just introduced myself but at that moment I froze (like grade 9 walking through the grade 12 section of the hallway froze), and went back to staring blankly at my crossword. I went home feeling slightly deflated, but not completely defeated. I just needed to rethink my strategy. 

Out and About in the City- My Baby is Boss
Flashback to July 2012. I had just found out I was pregnant with K (like 10 min ago) and as excitement and fear coursed through my veins I did as many newly-pregnant woman do... joined The Bump.com. The Bump is an awesome website that allows you to waste your day away by providing endless ideas for baby names, nursery colours, all the latest baby gadgets and gizmos and much much more. But the best aspect of The Bump are the discussion forums, and more specifically the "Baby Month Boards". I joined the March 2013 Moms board and was immediately part of a very diverse group of expectant mums. We supported each other throughout our pregnancies providing input and advice on a plethora of topics ranging from morning sickness to baby showers, to labour and delivery options, and even over-/under-bearing in-laws! These ladies (most of whom I will never meet) became like a bunch of sisters to me as we all grew to the size of small whales together. After the babies were born, a bunch of us (~50 ladies) created a facebook group so sharing photos and stories was as easy as 1, 2, upload! So there I was, now intimately linked to these ladies and babies all over the US and Canada. 

Back to the present. Even though 95% of the ladies in my Bump group are from the US of A, I thought it was worth a shot asking the group how they've found Mummy groups + Stroller Gangs. I received a reply from the only other mum from Toronto "A". She suggested Meetup.com (Which I must suggest to all of you, mums or not, as you can find a Meetup group for just about anything!). I logged on that afternoon, and within an hour I had joined 2 local mum groups and RSVP'd to 3 events (Wahoo!). I also made a date to meet up with "A", since she was the first of her friends to have a baby and was looking for some mummy friends as well. And just like that I was in! 

K and his Girlfriends..haha
Since that afternoon, I have been to a number of Mummy Groups and am now part of the downtown mamas and papas network. Almost every day of the week, I can join one of those previously awe-inspiring stroller gangs cruisin' 3 wide down the street. A few of us have even created our own smaller mum group with a few of the mums who live in my hood'. As a result, K has 2 baby girlfriends and has had his first baby dates.. hahah. I've also had a date with "A" and her little guy (K's first "bro"). This was my first "online dating" experience, and boy was I nervous (D laughed at me), but all was well and we enjoyed our lunch while chatting like old friends. It's amazing how much you can have in common with people you have never before met!

Thanks to my mummy groups, this farm girl turned city mummy is enjoying motherhood in the city in ways she could never have imagined. These mums have not only been able to provide unlimited resources with respect to baby-friendly places and activities and but also much needed support when I've felt like I'm completely crapping the bed as a new mum (which is good, because we can only have one person in our small condo crapping the bed at any given time and K has that covered.. haha). Plus they're totally cool having a casual conversation about hemorrhoids, cracked nipples, c-section scars, baby poop, or breastfeeding (or any other new-mum topic my non-mummy friends would cringe at) while you rock your screaming, inconsolable, I-haven't-napped-all-day baby.

So there you have it. At the age of 26, I was able to make a whole bunch of new mummy-friends (with the help of K of course) and am now looking forward to the fun we will have watching our little dudes and dudettes grow!

Until next time my (both mummy and non-mummy) friends!
Oh sheesh Mum!


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