Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting Into a Groove: Part One: Breast Feeding

Hello again.

I know it has been a while, but hey...I'm a new mum (and yes, I will continue to use this line for the next year or so). However, now that I feel like I have at least some of my ducks in a row, I think it's high time for another post. When contemplating what to write about, I couldn't help but focus on one of those very big ducks: breastfeeding (BF).

Breastfeeding has been quite an adventure (as I'm sure it is for any new mum) and while I'm finally getting the hang of it, it has not been without struggle and stress. Before K, I read lots of books, scanned lots of websites and talked to many friends and family about breastfeeding. I may be in the minority here, but was excited to breastfeed, like genuinely excited. I decided early on that yes, I will breastfeed and I am going to be soo good at it. What I failed to appreciate is that BFing (or any type of feeding for that matter) is most definitely NOT a solo activity and that the statement "I'm going to breastfeed" should be changed to "We will try breastfeeding". Now, I know what most of you are thinking, "of course it's not a solo activity silly new mum, obviously a baby is required". I guess I just didn't realize how big of a role baby K was going to play in this little dance. No amount of reading, consulting, or practice with a plastic doll can prepare you for that moment mid-milk letdown that your baby decides to pull off of your nipple. No words can describe the panic that rushes over you as you realize you don't have a free hand to stop that streaming milk spewing into your newborn baby's eye, or the resultant fear that will plague every breastfeeding session you will have from that moment on. It would be this fear that would turn the first few months of BFing into the most isolating group activity I have ever done. With D being at the hospital all day long, and sometimes overnight, I was on a fast track to becoming a hermit. It was around month 2 that I decided enough was enough. I was done being confined to the couch with my ever-so-secure BFing pillow and handy face-wiping cloth or hiding away with my elaborate set-up behind closed doors when friends visited (cue my BFing theme song Queen's I want to Break Free).

I knew it wasn't going to be easy (read: I knew it was going to be a hot mess of milk, baby and flailing limbs), but if I ever wanted to get out and enjoy the city with my new little bundle of joy, we certainly needed to develop our BFing "skills". First on the agenda was to free up a hand. This took a few days of practice but by day 3, I was able to pick up my phone to bbm or check facebook (wahoo!). Next, we needed to get rid of the need for that bulky BFing pillow, success! (Also +1 for resultant toning of mummy's arms and shoulders). I also wanted to be a mobile BFer since it became ever so obvious that there is not always a comfy (or clean) place to sit while out and aboot. This took some getting used to but by the end of the week, I was able to walk to the sink and back without K falling off the boob (go team!). Lastly, was mastering the nursing cover (since unfortunately the average Canadian, is not cool with the boob-in-your-face style of BFing that is enjoyed by many moms around the world). I got used the cover pretty quickly, it was K that needed some time to become cool with having a dark, mummy-blocking piece of fabric draped over his face and upper body during mealtime. I'm happy to report that he has since come to enjoy this little "man cave", and the fear that consumed him those first few times has thankfully been replaced by an excitement of the meal to come (now if only he would stop playing "peek-a-boo" with unsuspecting passersby.. haha). After mastering all of what I felt were the necessary components of public BFing. I decided to give it a go at my local coffee shop and much to my surprise... not a soul noticed. It was the first time I had practiced and practiced and practiced a skill in hopes of no one noticing how good I was at it (and I must say, I was pretty damn good ;)

Since that first time, I have freely breastfed all around the streets of T.O. and since no one seems to notice, I'm going to brag to you guys... I have proudly breastfed:

1. Sitting on a bench at Spadina and Bloor
2. Walking through the Eatons Centre
3. Walking through the PATH
4. Watching a Jays game at the Rogers Centre
5. While grocery shopping (note to self: avoid the frozen food aisle)
6. Walking home from our local dog park
7. At the table while out for breakfast
8. On a couch at a friend's house during a 10-person game of charades

(Reading through this list just made me think of this, in which a list of sorts is also bragged about.. haha)


Now, I'm sure most of you could care less about BFing, and even less about where I've breastfed and to be honest a year ago, I, myself would not have read past the first line of this post (so thanks for getting this far). However, as a new mum, a majority of my day is spent either breastfeeding, planning to breastfeed, or reflecting on a feed so it's kind of a hot topic for me right now (and a hobby of sorts). I've also found that the more I talk about BFing, the more comfortable I (and those around me) get about where and when I do it. This not only helps to minimize the stress that I feel is inherent in BFing but also frees K and I up to fill our day with many new and exciting adventures (which I will have to tell you all about in a later post, as it is getting very late and wouldn't you know K will be up for another feed in a couple of hours!).

Until next time my friends!



  1. I love how you "Activity Analyzed" breastfeeding, breaking it down into key skills! You know your mama's and OT when...! Fantastic job! Someday in the distant future, I will make sure I do the same so that I can enjoy new mummy time as much as you seem to be!

  2. Thanks for sharing your story! Blog form is always good. :)

  3. Great blog! Can totally relate to your stories! You really don't know how hard breastfeeding really is until you are face to face with it. Just as I was getting the hang of it, my baby k started to sleep the night at 7 weeks! I was thrilled to get a whole nights sleep but that started a whole new bunch of issues. Plugged milk ducts! out came the pump, then cracked nipples from pumping so much, that was the longest few days ever!! anyways could go on for ever. Great to hear other new moms stories,and to be able to relate! keep up the great blog
