Friday, June 19, 2015

"Newborning" with a Toddler Part One: Breastfeeding

Hi Friends,

As most of you probably know baby girl has arrived, and lucky for me, in a timely fashion (however, she did treat me to a marathon labour). My two short weeks as a mummy to two has provided me with ideas for a thousand different posts that I can't wait to write. However, you will have to be patient with my inevitable tardiness in doing so, as "newborning" with a toddler has proved to be suuuuper challenging!

That being said, the overarching theme of the past two weeks and the inspiration for today's post is "Breastfeeding a Newborn while holding a Toddler's Audience".

Breastfeeding can be a challenge at the best of times, and while my previous experience provided me with the reassurance that it does, in fact, get better, that has basically been the extent of any carry-over breastfeeding "expertise". I have learned very quickly that new baby equals new ball game. It's a real shame that not even your nipples remember the drill (and subsequently freak the heck out with each latch). On top of the toe-curling, hair-raising, boob-burning pain of latching and subsequent milk let-down, you now have a curious two year old watching and wondering why mummy is seemingly ignoring your request for an "oat bar" while simultaneously squeezing her eyes closed tight and counting to ten under her breath. On the plus side, K has been getting a lot of practice with his counting, and I'm provided with the occasional follow up of "ready or not, here I come!".

Another aspect of breastfeeding a newborn that has been vastly different with number two has been engorgement (aka the replacement of your breast tissue with cannon balls; the heavy, pirate ship, lead kind). With K, I got to ride out post-partum engorgement in the privacy of our tiny condo, armed with icepacks and a cadilac breast pump. This time round', post-partum days three to six were spent adventuring around the city enjoying the beautiful sunshine and D's vacation. I must say, one does not know the painful desperation of engorgement until they find themselves locked in a bathroom stall, two year old in tow, leaning over a public toliet, attempting to hand express enough milk to get you through the the second half of a leisurely arboretum walk (and while K may very well end up needing therapy when he's older, it worked, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat).

All in all, K has been super tolerant of his baby sister and quite supportive of my breastfeeding (and pumping) endeavours. In fact, D and I got quite the chuckle the other night watching K jump up and down in front of me while I pumped, yelling directly at my awkwardly suctioned nipple "GO! GO! GO! milk! GO! GO! GO! milk! GO!". I've never felt so accomplished. Go me!

The first two weeks have been a whirlwind, but I'm attempting to make mental notes of all the fun "mummy of two" moments I'd like to share with you. Unfortunately, Baby G has not sync'd her newborn nap routine with her big brother's so my blogging time is dependent on how captivating the Bubbleguppies can be. Lucky for you all, today's epidsode is a good one!

Until next time my friends,


"Best Brother Ever"

Me and my little people.

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