Tuesday, March 31, 2015

An Intercourse Moratorium is Coming (and other reasons to love Pregnant Sex)

Hi Friends,

I will apologize in advance to my parents and in laws and anyone else that may prefer to believe in my eternal childhood innocence. That being said, if you don't want that image tainted, please stop reading now (and if choosing to continue, consider yourself warned).

Today I'd like to talk about sex, and more specifically, pregnant sex.

An article popped up on my newsfeed this morning that was titled "Why Sex While Pregnant Sucks", the article talked about things like increased sense of smell, feeling fat and frumpy, uncomfortable positions, swollen lady bits, leaky breasts etc. The end of the article was a call to action for all pregnant ladies to band together to crush the myth of "carefree, hormone raging, passionate, pregnancy love-making". The article was shared by a fellow mum and had around 400 likes. Comments included things like "Finally, someone who isn't afraid to tell the truth"; "Like times 1000, I feel like a beached whale"; "I can't imagine my husband finds my baby tub and saucepan nipples sexy"; "Yes! I only have sex with the lights off"; and "Pregnancy sex is THE WORST. Any pregnant lady who claims to 'look and feel sexy' is either lying or suffering from hormone-induced blindness".

While I can appreciate that this may be the experience for some, I certainly do not feel this article or the ensuing comments are representative of all pregnant ladies. I will admit, there have been times during this pregnancy and my last, where I wasn't feeling my sexiest. However, those moments are not only fleeting but are few and far between the times when I feel like a curvy, sex goddess.

This is totally me!
Venus of Urbino by Tiziano Vecellio
Now, I would be lying if I claimed to be that pregnant lady who wanted sex 24/7 (there are times when I truly am just too freaking tired), but most days I'd enjoy a good "romp in the hay" just as much as my pre-pregnant self. While many may be quick to attribute my feelings about pregnancy sex to "increased libido" or as this morning's article commenter so eloquently put it "hormone-induced blindness", I'd like to dispel this notion by sharing a few more reasons why I have a special place in my heart for pregnant sex...

1. It's a great form of cardio
When you're a team-sport-playing kind of girl, being pregnant eliminates most forms of exercise you previously enjoyed (you'd be hard up to find many people who would be willing to post up a chick in her third tri). Enter, sex. A fun form of cardio, that you can enjoy while it lasts, and then drift off into a post-workout slumber without having to change clothes, tie up shoes or leave the court. Score!

2.  It's a great excuse to shake things up
As confident as you may feel in bed, I would argue that most people settle into a sex routine. I would also bet that most people have a couple of moves they would like to try during sex, but may be too uncomfortable (or comfortable) to try out. Enter pregnant sex. A lot of those standard, hum-drum, and somewhat boring moves, just can't be done (that belly can be quite the wrench). It's the perfect excuse to casually introduce some of those more risque positions "hmm, looks like you're going to have to get behind tonight babe"(aaaaand look who just upped their sexiness to porn star status, at least in D's eyes).

3.  It's a fun couple's activity that can be done at any time of the day (or night)
This one may be more relevant to those pregnant ladies who already have children, and/or have partners who may do a lot of on-call or shift work. But it comes in handy to have a grown-up activity (that doesn't involve binge watching your favourite TV show) that can be done at any time of the day or night. While it would be fun to plan a couple's bowling night, check out our friends latest art exhibit or go for a romantic stroll around the bay, these activities can be challenging to schedule during a nap time, or when D gets home from work at 2 am. Sex is a super couple-y way to connect with your partner and is always ready (even if you just have a couple of minutes before K's up from his nap).

4. An intercourse moratorium is coming
As comfortable as I may be with bodily fluids and swollen parts, I know the time is coming (those first days, weeks, months postpartum), where I will be giving sex the big, fat N-O. The medically prescribed moratorium may technically only be a few weeks, but from experience I'm prepared for other factors to extend this period (article author- you think your breasts are "leaky" now? Just you wait. Not to mention the fact that you may have a newborn attached to them 24/7). That being said, I'm going to soak up as much lovin' as I can, while my bulging stomach and swollen ankles are the only "inconveniences".

Long story short, while there may be a whole lot of hormones coursing through my pregnant body, I'm not "suffering" from hormone-induced anything. If anything I'm enjoying my hormone-induced confidence, honesty and peace of mind. I love my pregnant body, and based on last night's happenings (and every other sexual encounter we've had), D does too! 

Until next time, 

Sharing my third trimester "curves" with you all!

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